Tuesday, 28 January 2014

How to perform a good ECG . 


1.The first thing is get acquitted with lead placement.
2. Know the ECG machine and its controls.

Lead placement.
There are 12 leads during the recording of an ECG.
-6 chest leads- V1-V6
-6 Limb leads-.aVR, aVL, aVF,  1,2,3.

(3 limb leads  are created by virtue of placing  3 limb leads- aVR, aVF, aVL and hence are known as imaginary leads.)


-Let the patient lie supine on a couch, bed.
-Clean the electrode sites using some alcohol and cotton wool (swab)
-Put the  limb electrodes on the inner aspect while having applied some gel to achieve good conductance.

USIPlace the limb leads appropriately.
They are color coded and marked for easy identification
The N -Neutral is the ground electrode placed on the right foot.


 V1 -4th intercostal space on the right 1cm from the sternum

 V2  -4th intercostal space on the left 1cm from the sternum.

V3  -Between V2 and V3

V4  -5th intercostal space mid-clavicular line. 

V5  -5th intercostal space anterior axillary line.

V6  -5th intercostal space mid axillary line.

COMMON MISTAKE- is counting from the clavicle as your first rib. 

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